Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Butterfly Effect

I was at a friend's apartment last night and we watched "The Butterfly Effect" on Encore.  She had never seen the movie before.  I had the privilege of watching it in the past so I did my best not to provide any spoilers while watching.  I just kept reminding her of the overall theme of the movie - one small change in the past could have a huge impact on the future.  Once the movie was over, we discussed what if someone really could change the past by reliving the moments.  I thought about some situations in my life such as:  what if I actually built a relationship with my father?  what if I actually dated the one who got away in high school?  what if I had not married my wife?  Then as usual I shrugged it all off and said, "If I could change the past, I wouldn't.  My past made me the person I am today.  I don't think I would be where I am if I had not experienced life as I did and made the bonds with certain people that I hold dear."  The butterfly effect.  It's a nice concept but I hope it never becomes a reality.  

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