Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gone Too Soon

I've got to stop taking these week long droughts when it comes to blogging.  So much has happened in the last 7 days.  The first thing that comes to my mind is the death of a former manager.  This manager was in his late 30s.  He had been sick for a while but refused to go to the doctor.  When he finally went to the doctor, the symptoms he displayed led to one diagnosis.  He started taking medicine but did not get any better.  A second opinion led to a startling discovery.  He had waited so long to go to the doctor, the true culprit had deteriorated his body which caused the first wrong diagnosis.  He's dead now because of that.  It's hard to believe that someone that young who seemed to be in good health the last time I talked to him, is gone now.  It really makes you think about taking care of your self.  It also reminds me that tomorrow is not promised.

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