Friday, April 12, 2019

Superstar Devil

Satan was on his A game today.  He tried to push me repeatedly today but I somehow made it through.  My day started off like any other workday.  I was chatting with my coworkers when a call came in from a client I helped yesterday.  Same issue.  That meant that the problem was more involved than I initially thought.  I consulted with a more experienced tech.  Nearly 2 hours later we discovered the root cause.  As I went back to my desk to try and contact the client, I noticed that I had a missed text message.  My daughter had texted me stating she needed to get to school.  I told my manager I needed to take an early lunch.  I went to pick her up and drop her off.  I returned to work only to get a text from my other daughter stating she had locked herself out of the house.  Now this was a major problem because my ex-wife was out of town and obviously I don't have a key.  I had to leave work a second time.  I took my daughter to my house and left her there.  Things seemed to calm down until 3ish when I received a text from the ex stating I needed to get our middle daughter from tutoring.  This meant I had to go get my oldest, fight 5 oclock traffic to get the middle one and then rush to try and make it to the performance of my youngest child.  Fun, right?  The devil was truly a superstar today but I played right along with him. 

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