Monday, July 29, 2019

Privileged Generation

Being in my 40s, I'm at a great place in my life.  I'm old enough to be grown but young enough to not be a senior citizen.  I can have a conversation with a 20yr and then talk to a 65yr just as easily.  Talking to the younger generation is always interesting.  The youth of today feel so entitled and privileged.  They think they should be given the world without working for it.  I was talking to a 20yr coworker the other day and she had a bad interaction with a customer.  She came to me and basically said she didn't have to put up with customers' shit for the little bit of money the company was paying her.  Keep in mind she is making over $10 per hour.  Fusses about not having money to get her hair and nails done.  Must be nice.  I know people that would put up with a lot more for a lot less. 

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