Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WTF Moment - Social Media - Post #500

This will be post #500 so I wanted to make sure it is a good one.  We are going to make this one a WTF post about something that was said during a phone conversation my wife was having with her younger sister today.  My wife and I were in the car driving to her home town to get some stuff from her mother.  The wife was on the phone with her sister.  During her conversation, this is what I heard her say: "I done told people about social media and you can't post everything on there.  I don't know what would make them post funeral pics on facebook."  WTF?!!  WTF?!!  That statement deserves 2 WTFs?  First of all, who in the hell posts funeral pics anywhere except for a funeral home?  That is truly disrespecting the dead.  Secondly, I know good and damn well she is not talking about someone posting unnecessary shit on facebook.  Not Miss "I put pics of my kids and advertise my husband birthday on facebook."  That's worse than the pot calling the kettle black.

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