Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why I Don't Take Vacation

Now that my vacation is technically over and my schedule is back to normal, I can discuss why I don't like taking time off from work.  First of all, I was on the phone daily with one of my peers from my full time job providing steps on how to get things done.  Granted there are others in the building that could have provided the information but I think she comes to me because I try to empower her on what to do.  In addition to that, one of my direct reports decided to resign during my vacation.  Rather than deal with drama upon my return, I went to the office during my vacation to make sure everything was taken care of.  Now on to the part-time job.  I found it funny that upon my return, my manager decided to tell me how well things went while I was out.  He basically said things ran better without me there.  If that is the case, then put the people that covered my shift in charge.  I will gladly take a demotion.  One mind is telling me that he was simply trying to push me to step my game up.   My other mind is saying what the fuck ever.  And le's not forget, during my "vacation" my wife went out of town with her sister and mother.  Therefore I had to be mommy and daddy during my time off.  Long story short, I don't take vacation because unlike others I don't get the chance to rest and relax. 

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