Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Got Sick...Again

Anyone that truly knows me will tell you that I hate being sick.  The main reason I hate being sick is because I don't like for people to try and take care of me.   I hate being babied.  Well yesterday the old body decided it didn't want to cooperate with my usual Friday routine.  I left job one for lunch around the same time I do every day.  I noticed I wasn't feeling too good at this point.  Now prior to this, I had been my normal silly self.  I decided to drive home and lay down.  Figured a quick power nap would help.  Wrong. My quick power nap turned into a 2 hour siesta.  Surprisingly, my wife, who is on spring break this week, didn't even know I was in the house.  I still wasn't feeling any better.  I tried to call job two to let them know I would be late.  Yea right. That didn't happen.  I ended up not going to work at all.  I spent the evening laying in bed with a temp of 103.  The wife went and got some tylenol to help bring my fever down.  Once that kicked in, I started to feel better.  Upon my return to work at both jobs, I was thoroughly cursed out by my managers.  They both felt that I finally pushed myself too hard and getting sick was the result.  Thing of it is, I didn't push myself.  I didn't do anything super hard or strenuous.  I don't know what made me sick.  All I know is that shit sucks.

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