Thursday, September 13, 2012


Somewhere along this recent journey with my wife since being released from her teaching duties and planning her next move, there was a communication breakdown.  We went to see her therapist yesterday.  My wife was in decent spirits and talkative.  She told the doctor about much of what is going on in her life right now.  She told the doctor that she has broken off communication with her male companion from school because he finally crossed the line and asked for sex. She told the doctor about how she was spending more time with the kids.  She told the doctor she had filed for disability.  This is where my misunderstanding took place.  I thought my wife was simply being lazy and not wanting to look for a job even though I was sending her locations that are hiring daily.  Comes to find out that she is under the impression that she can't work and collect social security.  To make matters worse, her therapist agreed with her and said my wife should look for something "off the books" like watching somebody's child a few hours a week for $20 or so.  We can't survive like that.  I am trying to get my wife to understand that we can't live off my income alone.  I am trying to get her to understand that she is not guaranteed social security disability benefits.  I am trying to get her to understand she can work and collect benefits.  I am trying to correct this misunderstanding but don't know if it's possible. 

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