Monday, June 10, 2013

No Idle Threats

The nephew came home last Thursday and I thought I caught the scent of something on him, possibly weed but was not for certain.  I let it go at the time and went about my business.  The next morning when my alarm woke me, I discovered I had to wait on him to vacate the bathroom so I could get ready for work.  I still had a strange feeling in my soul.  When he came out of the bathroom, I called to him and provided him with the following threat.  "I love you to death because you are my wife's family.  I don't know who it is that you are around or what it is that you may be doing, but my advice to you is to stop.  I have warned you before that if you bring any drama to my house around my girls I will put you out.  So this is your last reminder.  If you bring any bullshit to my house - anything or anyone that can harm my daughters - I will kill you without a second thought.  Am I clear?"  Caught like a deer in headlights, he could only nod his head in agreement.  I don't make idle threats when it comes to my children.  I will go to jail to protect them.  I'm sure he understands that.  If not, he will learn firsthand. 

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